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The voice changes over time in different and beautiful ways. Singing after 60, or any age can be a fantastic way to express and remain mentally and physically active. In cultures other than our own the singing of older
One of the toughest parts of learning an instrument is getting acquainted with all the special musical terms surrounding the process! Each instrument has its own set of nomenclature, which can seem daunting and confusing. Below, you will find a
Practicing can be tough! It’s hard enough to find the time, never mind organizing everything you need before you really sit down to learn. That’s why we’ve created our Singer’s Edge Vocal Quick Links! To quickly and easily provide
For vocal beginners, singing can be daunting! There are so many terms and concepts that can easily overwhelm and deter people new to the craft. That’s where our Music Toolbox for Beginner Singer’s comes in! This Toolbox for Beginner
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