Student Login
This login page is for currently registered students only.
If you are NEW to the Academy, please visit our "Get Started" page here.

Login in to your Account Dashboard:
Login To Your Account To:
Message Your Teacher, Cancel A Lesson, Schedule A Makeup Lesson, & View Your Payments.
To Cancel A Lesson: Select the date from the “cancel lesson” button in your dashboard a minimum of 24 hours in advance.
To Schedule A Makeup: Click the “make up credits” button in your dashboard. If you have valid credits, they will appear here. Makeup credits are added when the “cancel lesson” option was used a minimum of 24 hours in advance, and if you have 2 credits or less on account.
Makeups: Have a 3 pending max. If you have reached 3 makeups on account, you must schedule a makeup to free a spot for additional cancellation credits.