It seems quick, but it’s that time again! 2020 has been one of the most intense years in history. From the pandemic to the American election to Black Lives Matter, the world has been shaken. With all that has occurred, there is no better time to experience the comforting and healing benefits of seeing and participating in live music with our Winter Performance.

Just like our summer concert, this year’s Winter Performance will be streamed online via Youtube and Zoom. Since this style of performance is still new to most of us, our guide below will help you get the most out of your experience!
Technical F.A.Q
Do I have to register?
Yes, but is as easy as 1 2 3! Simply click the link and complete the form!
What kind of camera should I record my performance with?
Any type of camera will work, as long as the video file can later be transferred to a computer. Yes, that means that a smartphone can easily be used to film with!
Do I need a microphone?
Well you can use a microphone if you have one, it is not necessary. The microphone inside of your phone or camera will do just fine!
Where is the best place to film?
Anywhere that has bright light. Most often natural light will work best, so try and set up close to a window on a sunny day!

Also, if the performance is instrumental make sure that your hands can be seen! For piano and guitar we love to see those fast fingers move!
How does performing with a backing track work?
In order for our video editing team to do their best work they require a recording of just the vocal alone. How this is done is by playing the backing track provided by your teacher, which will contain a bar or two of clicks before the music begins. Students should listen for these clicks on their phone or computer, and after they finish promptly plug in their headphones to perform!
This way the recorded audio is a clean signal. Our editing team will then combine the backing track and the vocal in post production for professional results.
Check out this video made by Coach Julia for further clarification!
Do I have to do the editing on my own?
No! We will do all the heavy lifting. However, if you are feeling especially creative that we encourage you to go for it!
Where do I send the video once it’s complete?
Simple email the attached video to the school. If the file is large you can first upload it to Google Drive or WeTransfer.
When are the videos due?
Videos must be submitted by December 1st, 2020.
Performance Tips
Performing in front of an audience full of strangers can be a nerve racking experience. However, performing to an empty room with just a camera can prove equally difficult! Here are some tips to help get you feeling comfortable on screen.
- Try and treat the performance as if there was an audience! Don’t be afraid to bust out some fresh moves and “singer’s face”.

- Singing with headphones can be a new experience. It can be helpful to practice with them, as well as seeing if using a single ear feels more comfortable.
- Limit your take number before you start (we suggest 3-5). Otherwise, it can become an endless pursuit for a “perfect take”.
- Dress up just as you would for the stage. Feeling good helps with confidence!

- Have fun! The great part of a performance being filmed is that if you make a mistake it is totally fine to start again. So take off the pressure and enjoy!
If you have any further questions about our Winter Performance, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. We look forward to seeing all the wonderful performances this December!