This breakthrough class, will make the process of songwriting easier and accessible for any level of singer: Week 1: A Crash Course on the Golden Rules Of Melody Week 2:
A Crash Course on the Golden Rules of Lyric Writing Week 3: How To Write The Perfect Verse Week 4: How To Write The Perfect Chorus Week 5: How To Write The Perfect Intro/Bridge/Breakdown (using the golden rules) Week 6: The Framework Of A Hit – Form & Substance Week 7: One Chord Can Change It
All – Choosing the Right Chords, Lyrics, and Rhythms for Your Genre. Week 8: Habits & Rituals Of Highly Successful Songwriters Week 9: Production 101 – Beginners Guide on How to Produce a Song In Logic or Garageband. Week 10: Production 101 Part 2 – Beyond The Basics Week 11: The Business Fundamentals Of
Songwriting Week 12: The Business Fundamentals Of Songwriting Week 13-16: Active Songwriting & Feedback.