One of the top benefits of pursing your musical education with us is gaining access to our practice materials! Every student at our schools can use our practice vocal scales which work in conjunction with our famous Singer’s Edge Program! This article serves as a QuickStart guide to working your voice out with our online scales!
Which Scales Should You Practice?
Our scales website contains every scale a singer needs, from the basics to the advanced! Since our site covers so much ground it is important to work with your teacher to find the right vocal scales for you to begin with.
Most of the scales on the website contain slow and moderate speed versions, as well as beginner, intermediate and advanced extensions which alter the range covered.
It is also important to note that scales are just musical notes; you want to make sure you are vocalizing the correct sounds for your voice over these musical frameworks!
What Will You Gain From Practicing With Our Vocal Scales?
Our vocal scales cover every facet of vocal technique!
Our first section covers range. These scales work to expand how high and low a singer can go with a balanced tone.
Our second section covers pitch. These scales work to improve a singer’s ability to match and hear notes. By improving in this area singers are able to stay “in key” more confidently.
Our third section covers intervals. In music, an interval is the distance between two notes. The further the distance the harder an interval is to sing accurately. Since melodies consist of both small and wide intervals it is important to feel comfortable no matter what the melodic jump!
Our final section covers riffs! Vocal riffs and runs are the colorful notes singers add to songs to “make them their own”. Riffs are an advanced technique as they include pitch confidence, breath control, range and vocal agility. Mastering this section is a sign a singer is well on their way to going pro!
How Does The Range Module Work?
The range module consists of balancing and strengthening scales of varying levels of difficulty.
The 5 tone, octave up and balancing workout scales are most commonly performed on a lip trill or tongue roll. These exercises work to extended the vocal range, balance the voice and smooth out the transition between chest and head voice. These exercises are very common and are often used as vocal warmups for more advanced singers.
How Does The Pitch Module Work?
The pitch module starts with a basic 3 note scale and works its way up to singing the major scale from different degrees (starting notes). These can be done using solfege or numbers.
Practicing pitch can be difficult for beginners as it can be hard to tell if you are on or off a note if you are inexperienced. We highly recommend gaining your footing with your teacher first before trying these out solo at home! Good pitch is the foundation for everything musical and you want to get it right the first time!
How Does The Intervals Module Work?
The intervals module begins with the intervals from the first degree of a major scale. It then advances to starting from different degrees (starting notes). These are often done on solfege or numbers.
Just like the pitch module, intervals can be difficult for beginners. It is important to practice these correctly with a teacher before digging in by yourself!
How Does The Riffs Module Work?
The riffs module covers the pentatonic scales at varying levels of difficulty. Pentatonic scales are the most common scales singers use for riffs and runs.
Remember that riffs are an advanced technique and should be approached after your vocal basics have been mastered!
How Are These Vocal Scales Different From Ones on Youtube or Other Free Services?
Vocal scales on Youtube or other platforms attempt to be universal by covering a large range. While this can be okay for an advanced singer, beginners will find this challenging and even unsafe!
Our scales are separated into the correct vocal types (SATB) and are divided again into beginner, intermediate and advanced. Some of our scales also offer harmonized versions for added ear training and vocal independence!
How Do You Know What Sounds To Do On Each Scale?
It is important to remember that scales are simply patterns of notes, and most vocal scales are quite similar to each other in terms their pitches. The sounds we make on scales are big factor in our vocal development.
You will get the greatest vocal benefit by working with a teacher who can diagnose your voice and vocal goals to create a customized routine for you!
Certain sounds work different aspects of the voice and it is important to do the right ones for your specific needs in order to improve!
Out school’s host some of Toronto’s best vocal coaches. For more information on how to set up a lesson with us contact us today!